Actualités > Our call for projects

INEDIS call for project

Inedis is the cornerstone of the innovation and technology transfer of the IMS Group.

This year, we will notice it !

Actually, the Inedis call for proposal is willing to finance of up to 50K euro maximum several excellent projects dealing with development of active molecules/new concepts in any therapeutic areas, and furthermore : 

  • Technological projects/ development of original cellular in vitro or in vivo animal models, which could accelerate the development of innovative.

The project must include at least one of Medalis’s partners and a company.
The laboratory will contribute in-kind and financial resources in contribution of the “Inedis” call for proposals. The company, on the other hand, is expected to contribute in kind, funding or important materials of high economic value.

Why did we decide to launch this INEDIS call for project ?

This call for proposals was launched because it is important to us to facilitate the collaboration for researchers and companies to a world of science that is constantly changing.

Through this funding, We hope to allocate the resources necessary for their projects to succeed while enjoying an expert environment at IMS.

For futher informations, we already can dowload the Inedis call for project files :