The centre for entrepreneurial maturation

The third foundational entity of IMS, Inedis (Innovation in entrepreneurship in drug discovery), proposes actions to structure and accompany the creation of companies emerging from IMS programmes or partner teams. Inedis’s action consists first of all in ensuring a post-maturation stage by structuring and hosting (“open-lab” actions) the operational teams for companies emerging from IMS.

Tailored mentoring

Inedis will mentor companies in their early stages by relying on existing structures (SEMIA, SATT, Biovalley France) and on their committee of external experts and a network of entrepreneurs. The committee will play an active role in constructing Inedis’s mentoring plan, its business model, and the process of identifying key candidates for recruitment to these future IMS companies.

Support Inedis and its start-ups

The young companies emerging from public research need equity capital to transform their technological projects into a business model. Your support is essential if the start-ups are to continue the pre-clinical development of their therapeutic innovation and to develop novel drugs for tomorrow.