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Our teams meet HealthTech companies !

On the morning of Monday March 11, 2024, the 12 research laboratories of the Institut du Médicament de Strasbourg (IMS) met with 15 healthtech companies at the API pole in Ilkirch.

An opportunity for those present to discuss potential collaborative projects.

Here’s a look back at the event!

A good start to the day with breakfast 🥐

The API pole opened its doors to registrants at 8:45 am. After enjoying croissants and a good cup of coffee, everyone moved to amphitheater  to listen to the speakers (SATT Conectus, Parc d’innovation de Strasbourg, ESBS, BioValley France), to present their structures and what they can do for companies.

IMS also took this opportunity to unveil the Inedis Call for Projects, aimed at subsidizing 50,000 euros for laboratories collaborating with a company.

Face-to-face time 🤝

After an hour’s exchange with our partners, and in the bright sunshine of the Salle Polyvalente, companies and laboratories were able to discuss their common interests in the form of speed-dating.

Every 30 minutes, alerted by a jingle, each research laboratory met three companies. With 43 meetings programmed, the discussions between scientists and industrialists were rich in opportunities!

a delicious cocktail lunch to finish off the discussions 🍸

Once the face-to-face meetings were over, the companies and laboratories naturally moved on to the cocktail lunch, where participants were able to extend their conversations over delicious cocktail.

Once again, we would like to thank all those present, companies (Domain Therapeutics, IOME Bio, CARCINNOVA, Alithea Bio, SPARTHA Medical, Aerial-CRT, Evora Biosciences, Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd, ProteoGenix, SOTAX Groupe, Serendip Innovations, Alysophil, SPECTANTS SAS et Valomolia), and research teams, as well as all representatives, for contributing to the success of this event (organized by Ghislain AUCLAIR).

We look forward to repeating the morning, but in the meantime, we’ll see you on May 6, 2024 for IMS Day!